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    Tuition-Free K-5 Public Charter School • Inspired Learning
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    Committed to Academic Excellence & the Education of the Whole Child
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    Grade "A" school • Florida's First Healthy, High Performance School

Essential Elements

The Odyssey Charter School curriculum and instructional strategies are aligned with the Florida B.E.S.T. Benchmarks, which span all grade levels, supporting expectations for student learning. The school utilizes research-based curriculum, including Montessori scope and sequence, to address and instruct the standards. The curriculum is enhanced through the use of technology and additional research-based programs.

Lessons are developed with student needs in mind. Instruction and practice address different modalities of student learning and accommodations are made for students with special needs. Grade level teams and subject area teams plan and schedule lessons and assessments, and together they review and assess their efforts to determine the effectiveness of instructional delivery methods and strategies. Weekly lesson plans indicate learning objectives and goals, listing resources, assessments utilized and standards addressed. Teachers reference Florida B.E.S.T. Benchmarks and ancillary documents of the FLDOE, such as State Assessment Item Specifications to develop their lesson plans. Documented lesson plans and assessments are developed utilizing grade level expectations and state standards.

At the K-2nd grade levels, children work in a prepared Montessori-driven classroom environment, and they learn to choose activities based on self-interest and individual desire to strengthen knowledge.

In 3rd-6th grades, students are provided with project-based learning opportunities, which require that they make choices, plan a project from beginning to end, and build responsibility to deliver the chosen project on time.

At the Secondary level, the strength and value of cooperative learning strategies are being identified and discovered. Peer teaching, peer review and peer feedback are powerful classroom strategies for focusing secondary school students.

Montessori Philosophy – Children are treated with respect and are provided with a learning environment nurturing a sense of order and self-discipline. Children learn to work independently, freedom with limits.

Positive Discipline – This program creates an environment for educating the whole child and prepares children for responsible citizenship. Through class meetings, we create an atmosphere of caring based on kindness, firmness, dignity and mutual respect. Our environment nurtures students and helps them learn cooperation instead of competition as well as problem solving skills.

Nutrition Education –Odyssey Charter School believes that nutrition education is an important part of a child’s education. Teachers use curriculum from the Center for Eco-Literacy and Teacher’s College (Columbia University) to teach students where food comes from, how to create school gardens, healthy eating and lifestyle practices, and their individual power through choice, control and change.

Brain Gym – This kinesthetic educational program is designed to relieve stress with a variety of exercises to develop neural pathways to enhance concentration. Classroom teachers begin the school day with these exercises in order to get students “ready to learn”, and are done prior to specific activities or tests.


About Montessori (the Montessori Foundation)

FL Standards and Benchmarks